Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Laura Cantrell "Two Seconds" (2000)

Discovered through John Peel's Festive 50 in 2000 which I copied by finding this archive site .. This guy had a lot of the radio shows completely posted, except you could only listen to them by streaming them with Real Audio, so the only way to get a copy was to borrow my dad's dual tape deck and plug it into my computer, and tape the entire top 50 live onto some cassettes.. A huge part of my nostalgic fondness for summer 2002 comes from the immense amount of new music I had access to (new to me anyway) with those 10 or 12 tapes of Peel's Festive 50's constantly getting played on the Sanyo tape deck I stole from my sister, sitting in the back seat of my horrible HORRIBLE Subaru.

So obviously, "Two Seconds" placed at some point in the Festive 50 from 2000, along with stuff like "Idioteque" and Granddaddy and Trail Of Dead... I think Neko Case made it to #1 that year, so it's not like Laura Cantrell was completely out of place. And I recall Peel saying it was the album he had listened to the most that year.

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